Did you know that the pension payments deducted from your paycheck can be refunded?

We, a licensed nenkin expert agency, apply for Lump-Sum Withdrawal Payment on your behalf. Only certified social insurance consultants can offer Lump-Sum application outsourcing services.

We can check everything and apply with no flaws. We are here to help you. Please feel free to contact us.

Lump-sum Withdrawal Payment can be claimed by anyone who meets the below conditions regardless of nationality and residency status.
Applicants vary, such as expatriates, university tutors, and technical intern trainees.

What is Lump-sum Withdrawal Payment?

Lump-Sum Withdrawal Payment is the system that prevents transient foreigners who paid insurance from losing all the money they paid.

Typically, your pension payments are automatically taken out of your paycheck while working in Japan.

However, you can withdraw some of the nenkin you’ve paid by claiming a lump-sum to the Japan Pension Service (JPS) when/after leaving Japan.

Your pension contribution amount and period will determine how much you’ll be refunded. The maximum number of months used in calculating the payment amount is 60 months (five years).

Qualifications for applying

  • You are not a Japanese citizen
  • You don’t have a Japanese home address
  • You paid pension insurance for more than six months
  • You are not entitled to receive a nenkin
  • You left Japan within two years (Your rights to get Lump-sum Withdrawal Payment is resolved by prescription in two years)

If you meet the above conditions, you are eligible for a lump-sum!


We’ve helped more than 20,000 foreigners apply for Lump-Sum Withdrawal Payments.

We have an excellent track record in this field and have received stellar reviews from them.

How Much You Get?

The case of interpreter Mai-san.

  • working period      35 month(35 month coefficient is 2.7)
  • average monthly salary        250,000JPY

2.7×250,000 yen=675,000yen

The case of expatriate Jack-san.

  • working period      60 month(60 months coefficient is 5.5)
  • average monthly salary        800,000 yen

5.5×650,000 yen=3,575,000 yen

※The limit amount is ¥650,000 per month. Premiums over ¥650,000 are fixed. ※It’s just a trial calculation.The final amount will be determined by JPN or tax office based on your payment record.

Lump-sum withdrawal calculator

1. Select Pension Type


2. Work period

3. Average Monthly Salary

*Average monthly salary is calculated by dividing annual salary including bonuses by 12 months
Example: Annual salary 3,000,000 yen / 12 months = 250,000 yen

* No entry is required if National Pension is specified.

* It's just a trial calculation.The final amount will be determined by JPS and the tax office based on your payment record.

How to apply?

All you have to do is send us the necessary documents!

There is no need to mail any documents.

Please respond to the only 3 steps!

1Contact us using the form below.  We will send you the URL of the specific application page.


2Attach and send the required documents from the application form.


3Please sign and reply to the electronic proxy form we will send you.
You can sign it with your smartphone. No printing is required!


The procedure is divided into 2 parts.

It takes about 7 months to complete.

1st Pension Application

If there are no problems, a decision will be made in about 5 months after application.

20% of the pension amount will be tax deductible in Japan, and 80% will be directly deposited into your designated account. If there are any problems, we are ready to help. We will discuss this with you and take full responsibility for your situation.

2nd Tax Refund

The 20% deducted from your pension is reported to the tax office for refund.

We will remit the amount to your account after deducting our fee and the remittance fee. This process takes about two months from the time the pension is determined.

We can handle all these procedures.

The process is complete!

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<p style=”font-size:18px”>We offer a smooth and accurate nenkin application service for foreigners who work in Japan.<br>We, a licensed nenkin expert agency, apply for Lump-Sum Withdrawal Payment on your behalf. Only certified social insurance consultants can offer Lump-Sum application outsourcing services.<br>We have an excellent track record in this field. We’ve helped more than 25,000 foreigners and have received stellar reviews from them.<br>We can handle various cases regarding personnel labor matters since we have a reliable tax and legal experts network, including certified accountants, certified tax accountants, certified administrative procedures legal specialists.<br>We are here for you with the know-how we earned from years of experience.</p>
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No upfront fee!


Free Trial



ONLY 30,000yen!

Leave all the difficult paperwork to us!!

For all status


・技能実習 Technical intern trainees

・特定技能 Specified skilled worker etc..


Pension and pension tax refund application services

・Correcting and reapplying for incomplete applications

・Correspondence with the Japan Pension Service

・Tax administrator services, etc.

Tax included

Overseas remittance fee excluded.

The fee will be settled from the refunded tax amount. 

Therefore, there is no initial fee.

The fee will be settled from the refunded tax amount at the time of tax refund. Therefore, there is no initial fee.

We will send your income tax refund to your bank account after withdrawing the service fee and overseas remittance fees that a bank charges.

Beware of unlicensed contractors.

Paid application agency is only allowed for Labor and Social Security Attorney who is a national qualification.

The unlicensed contractors are cheap, but they have problems with non-payment of pensions, delays of pension decisions, incomplete documentation, and so on. We are quick and accurate.

Our Missions

We are veterans of this area.

We offer a smooth and accurate nenkin application service for foreigners who work in Japan.
We, a licensed nenkin expert agency, apply for Lump-Sum Withdrawal Payment on your behalf. Only certified social insurance consultants can offer Lump-Sum application outsourcing services.
We have an excellent track record in this field. We’ve helped more than 25,000 foreigners and have received stellar reviews from them.
We can handle various cases regarding personnel labor matters since we have a reliable tax and legal experts network, including certified accountants, certified tax accountants, certified administrative procedures legal specialists.
We are here for you with the know-how we earned from years of experience.

About 平野国際労務事務所

Office name HIRANO Foreign Labor Management Consultancy (平野国際労務事務所)
Office address 〒460-0008 Aichi-ken,Nagoya-shi,naka-ku, sakae 1-22-16 Minami-sakae Bldg. 5F
Established June 13th, 2015
Directors Director: JUNJI HIRANO 
(Labor and Social Security Attorney)
Registration number No.23120151 愛知県社会保険労務士会所属
Services Inbound
These are services for foreign workers and the companies that employ foreign workers
-A proxy service for Lump-Sum Withdrawal Payment
-A proxy service for Lump-Sum childbirth allowance in case your child was delivered overseas.
-Personnel management of foreign workers

● Outbound
These are services for personnel and labor management regarding relocation and business trips overseas
-Creating rules for overseas assignments and overseas business trips.
-Checking and modifying overseas safety manuals

●Correspondent Banks
Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, Shinsei Bank, Rakuten Bank, and more.

Please feel free to contact us from the contact form.

  • 所在地 愛知県名古屋市中区栄1-22-16
    ミナミサカエビル5F 平野国際労務事務所
  • 電車でお越しの場合
    名古屋市営地下鉄 東山線鶴舞線 伏見駅 6番出口 南へ徒歩5分
  • 営業時間
    平日9:00~18:00 / 土日祝定休